
The Cloning Benefits to Individuals

 The Cloning Benefits to Individuals:

The cloning and ocher forms of — enring being donc on animals could lead to many health benefits (Or humans. Animals that have been bied with human ncs could he used as subkcts In dn testing, with the results being more applicable to humans than those of current tcq.sibe breeding of these transgcnic animals could also lead to cmss-spccics organ transpiatus (called xcno(ransplaIl(ahon). a breakthrough (hat would in theory solve the current problem of not having enough organs forevenone who needs them, This might even eliminate the black market for human organs that currently exists to provide organs to people who can afind to pay huge fec-s for them. It is interesting to note that the National Bioethics Adisori Commission did not recommend the banning of research on primates because they believed that such research could be beneficial to humans. human cloning could also be used to repair the health of other people. In a staff editorial reproduced by University Wire, the .Ilimwsola Daily asserted: -Close to three thousand people die each year in America while waiting fOr donor organs. human cloning could compk’ nwnt or provide an alternative to xenotr.ansplantatson.... Also, in organ transplants. It is common (or the Immune system to reject a foreign organ. Readily available cloned human organs could eliminate these problems. Cloning would not have to be carried to the point of creating an entire animal. The cloning of Individual cells. creating what is known as a cell line, Is a technique  already in use to create substances that aid people’s health. such as treatmcins for diabetes. hemophilia. or cystic fibn)sis. In some cases, these cell lines can be used by themselves, and in other cases, they must he introduced into host aninials that theti produce the needed subs tance—in their milk, for example. Another example is the hiotech firm Prolume ltd.. which has cloned an c-nzvmc in

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