
Genetic engineering ... good or bad? :

Genetic engineering ... good or bad? :

Have you ever heard of genetic engineering? According to, genetic engineering is "the use of various methods to manipulate the DNA (genetic material) of cells to change hereditary traits or produce biological products." Over the years, scientists have been researching and trying different ways to use bioengineering. So far, they have managed to create medicinal eggs and bananas, goats that produce spider web proteins in their milk, and cats, even brilliant. You may have seen the genetic engineering work itself in certain foods such as beans, corn and tomatoes that are made to last for long periods of time. Genetic engineering has created wonderful things for humanity, but what is the right thing to do?

Most of the inventions that have come out of genetic engineering is supposed to have beneficial effects, but some people think that the manipulation of nature can disrupt the balanced system of life. For example, the virus that once affected by drugs such as antibiotics are evolving to medications like antibiotics have been overused and may not be effective. In addition, genetic engineering could add more allergens into the food supply. For example, if a certain food should be raised with a common allergen such as peanuts, new product, genetically altered may cause an allergic reaction in a person with a peanut allergy.

In my opinion, genetic engineering is a good thing. Genetic engineering has created the things that people have only dreamed. Thanks to him, we might be able to find a cure for terminal illnesses and be able to make the most of the resources we have been given. We humans just have to use it responsibly. "With great power comes great responsibility", after all.

If we can find a way to keep our medicines affective and put food alerts on GM foods, along with other preventive measures put in place, we can explore and enjoy science, while being safe.

We have created "disease fighting eggs" and ecobeneficial pastures and cows with genetic engineering. Who says we can not do more? If we make sure to use it wisely, the future of genetic engineering may have an important role in the modern world ..

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