
Life Of Matthew H. Kaufman

Life Of  Matthew H. Kaufman 
Matthew H. Kaufman is Professor Emeritus at University of Edinburgh having been Professor of Anatomy there from 1985–2007. He has taught anatomy and embryology for more than 30 years, initially at the University of Cambridge, when he was a Fellow of King’s College, and more recently (from 1985–97) in Edinburgh.

In 1981 Kaufman and Martin Evans at the University of Cambridge in England and Gail R. Martin in America were the first to derive embryonic stem cells (ES cells) from mouse embryos He has published four books on mouse embryology and three books on historical aspects of military surgery. He has also published a book on Medical Teaching in Edinburgh during the 18th and 19th centuries, a book on the History of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society and biographies of Dr. John Barclay and Mr. Robert Liston. He has also published about 240 papers on a wide range of embryological and medical historical topics. He was awarded the F.R.S. Edin. in 2008. He is an authority on mouse development. He is also Honorary Librarian at the Royal Medical Society in Edinburgh, having been Senior President from 1966-67.

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