
The functioning unit being either polyribonucleic acid (RNA) at polypeptides.

 The functioning unit being either polyribonucleic acid (RNA) at polypeptides. 

      However. most of the information on genes in earlier days was generated through analyzing polyribonucleic acid (RNA) at polypeptides. expressions thai lisnited the number ci available genes This also depends on the number of available variants in a population, which may be high in some organisum and low in others. Mdiciugh mutant analysis  is still one of the most powerful techniquesci genome analysis tin today. it is extremely difficult in mans oiganisns such as human. Alternately analysis of the whole genome enables us to know the structure, position and function of aLl the genes present In the organism in shoe test posiblc time, This Idea was envisaged in thy 1970s, when scientists showed that part can be sliced, put into bcamee and its nucteotide sequence can be determined using aquaring techniques Gropius  the study study of structure and function of the genome is, therefore, a subject  from mere that  the extend from mere phenotype analysis to holistic analysis ci the whole gnome. The science ci genomics has immense implication in every sphere of biological science from evolution to drug designing In fact it Is\ expanding so rapidly and generating new information every moment that a new data is generated and reported almost every minute. A comparison between classical genetic analysis and genomics can be successfully drawn taking the example of Disepkikm’knogasfrr.This Entffv was first subjected analysis in T. H. Morgan’s lab in 1909. and is being used extensively kit genetic analysis since then, PhenoypEc analysis of thu. ueganisnl could luiatr only few thousand gene, in about ninety years’ time period, while sequencIng of the genome
revealed about 27,000 genes in the genomc just in live ys. It is worth remembering that DwIi islavoured for genetic analysis foe e ci availability of large number of mutants and ease ci mutant generation, which Is much more difFicult in other oranoms. One of the astcinbshing outcomes of genomics is that the number of genes In human and Dmeophils does not differ much. yet there ii a mammoth difference In complexity between these two organisums. Thus riot only thenumeric genes but the functionality, expression. interaction and nulience of each gene in the particular organism are of paramount importance in understanding the biological nature of the or organisum.

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