
Notable cases of Parkinson's disease

Actor Michael J. Fox has PD and has greatly increased the public awareness of the disease. Fox was diagnosed in 1991 when he was 30, but kept his condition secret from the public for seven years. He has written two autobiographies in which his fight against the disease plays a major role, and appeared before the United States Congress without medication to illustrate the effects of the disease. The Michael J. Fox Foundation aims to develop a cure for Parkinson's disease. In recent years it has been the major Parkinson's fundraiser in the U.S., providing $140 million in funding between 2001 and 2008. Fox was named one of the 100 people "whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world" in 2007 by Time magazine, and he received an honorary doctorate in medicine from Karolinska Institutet for his contributions to research in Parkinson's disease.

Professional cyclist and Olympic medalist Davis Phinney, who was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson's at age 40, started a foundation in his name in 2004 to support Parkinson's research, focusing on quality of life for people suffering from the disease. The Davis Phinney Foundation's mission is to help people living with Parkinson's disease live well by providing them with information, inspiration and tools. Phinney gives motivational speeches to Parkinson’s patients, pushing them to celebrate every victory, however small, like tying their shoes.
Muhammad Ali has been called the "world's most famous Parkinson's patient". He was 42 at diagnosis although he showed signs of Parkinson's when he was 38. Whether he has PD or a parkinsonism related to boxing is unresolved.

1 comment:

  1. My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 68. His symptoms were shuffling of feet, slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle. Things were tough for me, I too was diagnosed of COPD but now we both finally free from these diseases with the help of total cure herbal foundation, He now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed. He had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult. Getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible. We had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,The biggest helped we had was They walked us through the proper steps, im highly recommending this herbal formula to anyone who needs help.
