
biodiversity of the world

biodiversity of the world? This is achieved by altering the information contained in the genome, although the method of reading remains the same. A gene may become nonfunctional by single or multiple changes in its base composition, parts or whole of gene may be deleted, duplicated or rearrangements can take

place in genome to alter the acne structure and position. Basic of all these changes is mutation, a change in base composition of gene and is the driving force of evolution. A single change in the composition of codon can make a protein nonfunctional, as evident from the variant of lmemoglobin protein that cause sickle
cell anemia which arises through a single amino acid replacement in the sixth position of the 3-polypeptide. The other one, recombnat ion, is a process of genetic material exchange in sexually mating species and contributes to genetic variability in a population. Mutation followed by natural selection is the basis of evolution and specification, i.e., generation of species diversity from bacteria to human and higher plants.

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