Genetic Engineering : WHAT IS CLONING ?


cloning is a form of genetic engineering in which the DNA of a person, animal, plant, or even a bacterium is used to prod uce a perfect or near-perfect genetic replica of the original. True cloning is the creation of a genetic twin of the original organism. This twin is younger than the original. unlike naturally occurring twins. hut it carries the same genetic makeup as the original, as do naturally occurnng rwins.Technicallv, there is a slight difference in the genetic makeup of the clones that have been created to date. hut the difference is so small that scientists still consider the cloned creatures to be genetic duplicates of the originals. Scientists speculate that a clone would look exactly the same as the original and that it would experience the same
consequences of its genetic makeup a.s the original—if the original got cancer because of a genetic defect, the clone would, too—but since no human clones have actually been

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