
Examples of Genome : Protocome and protocomics

Protocome and protocomics :
For comprehensive analysis of organismic developmental and operational processes, it is essential to know the function and fate of each molecule in the cell ruled by the genetic information. To understand genome in SLICh a level, simple determination of nucleotide sequence and identifying the positions of genes is not
sufficient. In multicellular organisms gene expression is sectorally differentiated by tissue and developmental stage specific gene expression. A cell in an organism may express different kinds of proteins at different developmental stages. Similarly cellular protein expression pattern may differ from one cell to another in
the same organism. The set of proteins expressed in a particular cell at a particular time constitutes the proteouze of the cell. Analysis of proteome, termed as proteomics therefore targets to annotate the proteins expressed and their functions in the cellular pathways. The ability to monitor all the proteins in the cell would enable us to provide reasonable explanation for many biological networking processes and would help to integrate the total information in system biology.

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